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Strategic Alliances

Geotech has a number of dealers in the US and abroad to assist you with your Enviro software purchase.  Here is a list of some of our dealers:

Geotech Environmental Equipment is a leading national provider of environmental equipment for monitoring,  sampling, and other environmental field activities. They have added Enviro Data to their product line to provide their clients with a solution for storing and using the data gathered with their equipment.  Visit their site at:

Scientific Software Group sells a variety of software tools for environmental data storage, analysis and display. They have been selling Geotech’s products since 1999 through their catalog and extensive web store. Visit their web site at:

  Profile Business Solutions (Greece)  provides integrated software solutions for a variety of businesses. Based in Athens Greece, with offices in Thessaloniki , Nicosia - Cyprus and Bucharest – Romania, they serve more than 600 private and public sector businesses in Greece, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Visit their web site at:

  Pathprofit S.A. (Ecuador) provides a variety of technology products and services, including environmental software and e-commerce solutions. For further information contact

Business Partners

Geotech works with a number of other companies that provide software, data and services which you may need in addition to data management. For that reason we have established alliances with several companies that allow us to offer their software, data or services to our customers. Here is a list of some of our most important partners:

Golden Software and Geotech have been working together since 1987 to integrate our software with their products such as Surfer, Grapher, and Voxler. Surfer is probably the most widely used two-dimensional gridding and contouring program, and now Voxler extends that functionality to three dimensions. Visit their site at:

Geotech and integrate Geotech's Enviro Data and ArcGIS, both directly and using our Enviro Spase product. The real power of using the Enviro software and ArcGIS together comes from using the best features of both to manage and display your data Visit their site at:

Geotech and  C Tech partner to bring you the best in affordable 3D visualization.  C Tech has 3D modeling software that integrates seamlessly with 's ArcView software.  To learn more about C Tech, visit their web site at:


M-Tech Software has been providing software for creating boring logs, cross sections, and fence diagrams since 1993. Their graphical tools integrate nicely with Enviro Data’s storage, analysis and display capabilities.  Visit their site at:

RockWare and Geotech have a relationship dating back to the beginnings of both companies in the 1980's. Now Enviro Data provides a great way to manage your data prior to displaying it in RockWorks and their other fine products. Be sure to visit their web site at:

EnviroInsite is a reasonably priced groundwater data visualization application developed by and for practicing hydrogeologists. Enviro Data can easily export data to EnviroInsite. Visit their website at

LogItEasy is a cloud-based application for field logging of geological boreholes on mobile computing devices. Once the borehole is logged, the application issues a report-quality boring or well log. It can also create an export file to import into Enviro Data with an interface currently in development. Visit their website at

Please contact Geotech if you are interested in  the above products or services. National flags are courtesy of:

Geotech Computer Systems Toll Free: (877)740-1999  (303)740-1999 
12150 E. Briarwood Ave., Suite 202, Centennial, CO 80112
Send mail to with questions or comments about Geotech or this web site.

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Last modified: December 15, 2015 CW