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Amnesty Program
Turn in your old, tired database system for the latest Enviro Data software, and save money at the same time!

Many of the companies that Geotech talks to are not satisfied with their current database management software solution. These software packages are either very difficult to use, very expensive, have a huge learning curve, poor customer support, just don’t work, or some combination of all of these. Geotech knows how hard it is for you and your company to justify the cost of switching from one software solution to another, even if the new one is a LOT better. We want to make it easier for you to switch to a more cost effective, easier to use, customizable database management solution, Enviro Data.

To address this issue, Geotech has a Software Amnesty Program, now also known as Cash for Clunkers, which allows you to cost-effectively replace your current database management program with Enviro Data. For each copy of a qualifying database management program you replace, you will be able to purchase two copies of Enviro Data Advanced or Concurrent for the price of one. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! Please call Geotech to see if your current software qualifies for this special offer.

In order to receive this remarkable offer, you need to provide Geotech with a proof of purchase for your current software (copy of original purchase order, invoice, etc.), along with a letter certifying that you will no longer be using the program. For every Enviro Data license that you purchase, you will receive a FREE license, with the number of free licenses not exceeding the number of licenses that you replace. This is a $4,000 - $5,000 savings on every license you exchange! Additional licenses can be purchased at the regular price. This two-for-one offer covers the software licenses, but not maintenance or training. You must purchase a year of maintenance for each of the licenses you receive, including the free ones.

Contact Geotech now to get started on saving time and money on your current projects, landing new projects, and providing your clients with more accurate environmental quality data.

To take advantage of this offer or for more information, contact Geotech at, or toll-free at 877-740-1999.


Geotech Computer Systems Toll Free: (877)740-1999  (303)740-1999 
12150 E. Briarwood Ave., Suite 202, Centennial, CO 80112
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Last modified: December 10, 2014 CW