Geotech Computer Systems

Winter 2009 Newsletter

In This Newsletter...

·         Free Tip - Compare object modification dates in Access databases

·         Enviro Software News - Update on New Enviro Features

·         Environmental Humor

·         Quarterly Special - Geotech Economic Stimulus Plan

·         Smart Moves in Tough Times - Software Rental

A Quick Word

Welcome to the Winter, 2009 issue of our newsletter.  We hope you find it interesting and useful.  And remember, it’s for you and not for us, so if there’s something you would like to see, please let us know at  Click here for previous newsletters.


Free Tip - Compare object modification dates in Access databases

Dr. Dave Rich has created a free utility, CompareDB, for working with Access databases. This utility was featured in an article in Access Office VB Advisor magazine. CompareDB compares the modification dates of the objects in two databases to help you figure out which has the most recent content. Please download CompareDB with our compliments:

·   Ctrl-Click the CompareDB link above to open the Geotech website.

·   Click the Free Software! button and then click the CompareDB link.

·   Click the appropriate link for your version of Access.

·   Click Save on the File Download screen.

·   Select the desired folder for your download, and then click Save.


Enviro Software News - Update on New Enviro Features

New Enviro Data Features


Geotech is in the process of rolling out a new version of Enviro Data called 2008F. This version has many new useful features relative to the previous major release, 2008D. Here are just a few of the features:


1. Field Tool - This feature expands on the existing Sample Events capability, adding more detailed specifications for plans and events, including locations to be sampled, QC sampled, and field and laboratory parameters and methods. You can create a file for field data entry, and print a chain of custody for an event, among other things.


2. Permit Management - Enviro Data now has a feature to store permit information, including which locations are part of which permit, and regulatory limits (also called target levels or MCLs) by permit and permit option.


3. Validation Module - We have added many enhancements to the existing Validation Module, giving you much more flexibility in analyzing data, while simplifying project setup and improving the workflow.



4. Stations Graph w/Multiple Parameters – A new graph report has been added which displays up to four graphs per page. Each graph shows multiple Y-Axis parameters with an optional second scale on the right axis. The user is presented with a set-up form which enables the choice of automatic or user-defined scaling, a single Y-Axis scale or dual scales, and parameter selections from a drop-down list. Any number of Stations may be included in the report.


For more information on the latest Enviro Data features, visit Geotech's website by clicking here or call us at (303) 740-1999.



New Enviro Spase feature

Radar Plots - Geotech's GIS development team has also been busy, adding several new features and enhancing several more. One of the most interesting is what we call Radar Plots, which some might call Spider Plots. These diagrams, which can be created with just a couple of mouse clicks, consist of a circular display similar to a gun sight, with the data displayed around it similar to a wind rose. These diagrams are very useful for seeing the spatial distribution of multiple parameters (or one parameter by time or depth) around a facility. For example, one client uses these for his BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) compounds, allowing them to see the degradation of their hydrocarbons as they move across the site. For more information on the latest Enviro Spase features, visit Geotech's website by clicking here or call us at (303) 740-1999.


Enviro Success Story


eDMR - Geotech's clients use Enviro Data in a variety of ways, and in many cases it can be a big contributor to improving their work process. One of our clients, a large oil and gas company with coalbed methane operations in Wyoming, saw this firsthand. After some cooperation between the client and Geotech, the client implemented Enviro Data for managing their lab and field data for their Discharge Monitoring Reports. They are now able to submit these electronically (eDMR), by downloading files from the state, filling them out, and then uploading them. This has improved efficiency and cut down on errors. They are now working on integrating this with their field sample planning activities. For more information our eDMR feature, call us at (303) 740-1999.



Environmental Humor

A young man was crossing the road one day when a frog called out to him and said, “If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess.”  The young man bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.


The frog spoke up again and said, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful Princess, I will stay with you for one week.”  The young man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to his pocket.


The frog then cried out, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful Princess, I’ll stay with you and do anything you want.”  Again the young man took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.  Finally the frog asked, “What is it?  I’ve told you I’m a beautiful Princess, that I’ll stay with you for a week and do anything you want.  Why won’t you kiss me?”


The young man said, “Look, I’m an engineering major.  I don’t have time for girlfriends, but a talking frog is really cool.”


Quarterly Special - Geotech Economic Stimulus Plan

Geotech recognizes that money is a little tight these days.  So in an effort to ease the financial strain, Geotech is offering buy one get one FREE on any license of Enviro Data with the purchase of maintenance (for two licenses) and training.  Existing customers will receive half off on additional Enviro Data licenses with the purchase of maintenance.  Act now because all purchases must be made before December 31, 2009. Contact Geotech for details at 877-740-1999 (Toll-Free).


Smart Moves in Tough Times - Software Rental

Did you know that you can rent Geotech's powerful Enviro Data software? We have a rent-to-own program that allows you to put the software to work on your projects right now, saving time and improving quality. The rental fee is low enough that you can expense the software to overhead or administration, allowing you to purchase now instead of having to wait for a project to expense it to. Contact Geotech for details at 877-740-1999 (Toll-Free).

Geotech Services

Geotech specializes in environmental software, database management services and custom programming. We can assist with data loading, reporting, mapping, and other services, or we can train you to do these tasks. For more information about Geotech products and services, please visit our web site at



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Geotech Computer Systems, Inc.

12150 E. Briarwood Ave., Ste. 202

Centennial, CO 80112

303-740-1999 (PH)

877-740-1999 (Toll-Free)

303-740-1990 (Fax)